Pros and Cons of VOICE and How a Deportation Attorney Can Help

police handcuffing a man

In today’s political realm, undocumented immigration is receiving widespread attention. Recently, the Department of Homeland Security has introduced a new office called the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, or VOICE. The office was created to support victims affected by crimes committed by undocumented aliens. The aftermath of a crime committed by criminal aliens can be traumatic, so having access to information and resources can ease the mind of many victims. While everyone has a different case, having the help of a deportation attorney in Dallas, Texas can help you know your rights if VOICE should affect you. There are pros and cons to VOICE, but knowing them can help you determine whether or not it can help you or your loved ones.


  1. The office is ready to offer support. Staffed by 27 victim assistance specialists and 21 community relations officers, calling the VOICE toll free hotline (1-855-48-VOICE) will give you not only peace of mind, but the resources to properly handle a crime committed by a criminal alien. Victims will also be able to follow the status of the accused through both the criminal court system as well as the immigration system.
  2. Registration may be done anonymously. Investigations are only done on the criminals in question, and your own background will never be taken into consideration. This way, you can determine the status of aliens without sacrificing your own safety.
  3. Using VOICE is free. Existing funds are currently supporting the office, so placing a call will not cost the victim any out-of-pocket expense.


  1. Scrutiny is placed on aliens. Studies have shown that immigrants are anywhere between one-half and one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as American citizens. Because this statistic may make VOICE appear to scrutinize minorities, it is important to know your rights based on your current status. If you are worried about this enforcement, a deportation attorney in Dallas can help.
  2. The targeted audience is small. Those in the United States living illegally make up around 7 percent of the population. The emphasis and budget that funds this office begs the question of its necessity since illegal aliens make up such a small percentage of those living in the United States.

Immigration statuses under scrutiny can potentially help your situation as a victim. VOICE can assist you, but knowing a deportation attorney in Dallas is equally (if not more) beneficial. If you or a loved one have been affected by a crime by an illegal immigrant, get help quickly from the Law Office of Nathan Christensen PC. Call (972) 497-1017 or visit to learn more.

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