We Can Help You Fight to Stay in the U.S.

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Whether you want to become a United States citizen, help a relative obtain residency or get a temporary work visa, immigration services Dallas can help you. If you are a permanent lawful resident or undocumented alien in danger of deportation, an immigration lawyer in the Dallas TX area can represent you in court and possibly keep you from being deported.

Deportation Defense

Any individual served with a notice to appear before a judge for deportation has a right to hire a lawyer from immigration services Dallas. There are several ways an immigration lawyer can prevent you (or a family member) from being deported.

They include:

1) Asylum
To be granted asylum in the United States, a person must prove past persecution or fear of future persecution.

2) Cancellation of Removal
Lawful permanent residents and undocumented residents who meet certain requirements are eligible for cancellation of removal. A permanent resident must prove that he or she has lived in the U.S. for at least five years, have resided lawfully in the U.S. for seven straight years after being admitted and have no aggravated felony convictions. Undocumented aliens must prove that they’ve been present in the U.S. for ten consecutive years, are of good moral character and can show that removal would constitute an exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to their family members in the U.S.

3) Prosecutorial Discretion
Prosecutorial discretion won’t automatically grant work authorization or other benefits to immigrants but it could allow you to remain here if there is no other way. An immigrant will need to apply for other benefits individually. Christensen Immigration Services Dallas will review your situation and determine if prosecutorial discretion is an alternative in your case.

4) Adjustment of Status
Aliens may be eligible for adjustment of status if they were previously admitted in the United States. They must be acceptable for permanent residence. An employer, spouse (or other family members) can petition a visa-eligible alien for adjustment of status.

To learn more about these deportation defenses and other options available to permanent residents and undocumented aliens, call the Christensen Law Firm Immigration Services in Dallas. We offer low-cost consultations, payment plans and accept all major credit cards. Call us today at (972) 497-1017. (We speak Spanish, Se Habla Espanol.)

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