3 Surprising Myths an Immigration Lawyer Wants You to Know

USCIS seal with a black and gold fountain pen resting on top of it.

Consulting a Lewisville immigration lawyer for your family’s needs can be emotionally overwhelming, so it is important to understand the process completely. Although a key topic in today’s news, most people do not truly understand immigration and the legal process to become a citizen of the United States. By debunking these common myths, you will understand immigration a little better.

The Majority of Immigrants Are In the U.S. Illegally

There is a great deal of controversy regarding the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States. You may believe that the majority of immigrants are in the country illegally, but that is not actually true.

An estimated 40 million people who were born in foreign countries currently reside in the United States and the majority are classified as naturalized citizens, permanent residents, or legal residents.

Most Immigrants Refuse to Learn English

Another common misconception is that the majority of immigrants come into the United States without learning or planning to learn the English language. Again, this is a myth that needs to be cleared. Most immigrants already know a good portion of the English language or they will be excited to learn how to communicate to better the lives of their families when living in their new country.

Your immigration lawyer will discuss the importance of learning the English language. From filing essential documents and finding work to educating your children, learning English is imperative to becoming a legal citizen. Of course, speaking your first language at home is perfectly acceptable.

Immigrants Steal American Jobs

There are people in this world who do not support immigration, whether legal or illegal because they feel immigrants will cause Americans to suffer economically. Many believe immigrants come to America to “steal” jobs, but that is not actually the case.

Recent studies have shown that immigrants without a great deal of experience or high levels of education are actually helping the economy of the United States. Not only are they helping to create new jobs, but immigrants are also helping American workers become more prosperous. Companies with immigrant workers seem to be more successful since the workforce has such a diverse group of individuals. This diversity stimulates interaction, communication, and production. Improved work will lead to higher wages for both immigrant and native workers.

If you or you or a family member or applying for a visa or citizenship or you just want to learn more about immigration laws and becoming a citizenship, this guide can help. To learn more from an experienced Lewisville immigration lawyer, contact The Law Office of Nathan Christensen PC at F:P:Site:Phone}.

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